Dark Times

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Lanolin | Glimnoddle | Roland | Edgar | J'Saahuis | Bryce| Jake | Soulan | Marlon
10/07/06 | 4/25/07 | Entry 3 | Entry 4 | Entry 6| Entry 7 | Entry 8
Ally 1 | Ally 2 | Ally 3 | Ally 4 | Ally 5 | Ally 6 | Ally 7
Enemy 1 | Enemy 2 | Enemy 3 | Enemy 4 | Enemy 5 | Enemy 6 | Enemy 7
Greyhawk | Map 2 | Map 3 | Map 4 | Map 5
| File 1 | File 2 | File 3 | File 4 | File 5 | File 6
Wizards of the Coast | RPG.Net | RPG Now | RPG Vault

Richfest 7, 648 CY...

That is until the door burst violently open and in fell the battered and bloody body of Edgar. You rushed over to administer healing as he told you that he was attacked in the alley a block away. He recalled that a man, seemingly intoxicated, was coming down the alley. As Edgar went to pass the man, he stepped in front of him and said, “E’llo gov’ner.” Edgar decided to go back the other way and bumped into another man that had snuck up behind him. He assumed he was simply being robbed, but then the men drew blackjacks and began to assault him without a word of explanation. Luckily a militiaman came patrolling by and when he saw Edgar being assaulted blew his whistle. The men ran off, but not before Edgar noticed the tattoo of a hand with an eye in the palm on the inner bicep of one of the attackers. The militiaman gave chase and Edgar made his way back to the flat. Edgar was carrying a sack of tax money which the men completely ignored, so this must have been personal.

Everyone decided to check the nearby streets for the men, but no sign of them was found. With that, you decided to rest for the night and pursue it in the morning. The next day, all of you went to the adventurer’s guild to check the job postings. There were several that intrigued you but one in particular that piqued your interest the most, the recently desecrated graveyard. As Jake took the slip from the wall to claim the job, a large man blocked him. He demanded the slip and Jake refused. Moments later, a fight broke out for the slip. Mugs were flying, fists were swinging, and swords were unsheathing. Fortunately, Gladitorius arrived and quelled the scuffle before things got too far out of hand and lives were lost. The job was returned to Jake, the instigator was barred from the guild, and the hall was closed down for the day. Gladitorius, noticing that Jake was trying to maintain order, offered him the position of sergeant-of-arms to the guild. This position allows Jake to see all postings before they get posted to the board. Thinking this might be to the group’s advantage, he accepted.

After breakfast, you made your way to the old graveyard. Lanolin immediately noticed that this was a divine dead-spot. He could no longer feel the presence of the gods while in the cemetery. With this, you decided to pay a visit to the local caretaker, Mr. Glum. Glum informed you that three people were buried on the day that the disjunction occurred. He took you to see the graves of these three and when you came upon the last one, you noticed the ground in front of the man’s tombstone was disturbed, as if the man dug his way out of the grave.  Marlon tracked the “corpse” to a large crypt, the door of which had been forcibly opened.

Slowly Lanolin entered and to his horror found the bodies of three children half eaten, the most disturbing fact of which was that they were still inexplicably alive. Some of you were sickened by the sight and J’Saahuis was so traumatized that he ran screaming out of the crypt. Lanolin tried to take one of the children out of the perimeter of the cemetery to free her soul, but she was afraid to die, wriggled free, and crawled her way back into the crypt. She then informed you that the creature that did this to her and the others returns at night to feed. Inquiring how they got there, the children told you that they went to sleep in their beds and awoke here with the monster feeding upon them. Suspecting that Glum was in on the kidnappings, Bryce decided to stake out Glum’s place. Jake, Marlon, and J’Saahuis (who had now regained his composure) decided to stake out the unearthed grave, while Lanolin, Edgar, and Soulan stayed in the crypt.

Shortly after the others left and the sun had set, Lanolin noticed scratch marks on the floor by the sarcophagus. With the aid of Edgar and Soulan, they began to slide the stone coffin to discover the beginnings of a secret passage beneath it. Suddenly the crypt door slammed shut and the broken chain outside rose and wrapped itself around the barred door, locking them in. Just then the children began breathing heavier and looking around nervously as the sarcophagus began sliding the rest of the way on its own.

Lanolin began violently shaking at the door to no avail as Edgar screamed into the darkness for help. Soulan then felt something as he looked down to noticed the little girl, her arms wrapped around his leg, shaking visibly, with her face buried into his pant leg. Just then she looked up and whispered, “He’s coming,” as Soulan noticed from the darkness…

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